Director of Human Capital, Partner
(818) 206 2917
B.A. in philosophy, UCSB
To me, wealth is the ability to fully enjoy the parts of my life that are most meaningful to me—family, friends, community, and place of work. It’s spending time with loved ones, trips to the beach, and coaching my son’s baseball team.
What inspires me the most about the work I do is having the opportunity to help our team members fulfill their career/life goals and, in some cases, bring further clarity on what those goals are. Whether it be through working with them on further development of technical skills, discussions on how to deal with challenging conversations, or even the recruitment of new team members to add to the Morton family, seeing our people grow personally and professionally is what fills my cup.
In 2010, I traveled to Costa Rica to tour five different coffee farms and had an opportunity to pick cherries along with the farmers. Before MC, I worked for Peet’s Coffee and Tea for 15 years, so my love of coffee runs deep!
Private Investments Operations Manager
(818) 206 2955
B.A. degrees in Spanish and Modern Language Business, University of Idaho
B.S. in marketing, University of Idaho
Wealth to me is not only being financially stable but also being able to feel fulfilled in the life that I have built for myself and the life that I will be able to build for a future family. If you feel a sense of belonging and purpose in where you are at in your life, then that is true wealth to me.
Knowing that the work I am doing is going to help a greater cause that I can stand by and feel fulfilled by. Also having amazing, kind-hearted people around me who want to help with my success and me wanting to get to a point in my career where I can help them, and Morton Capital, succeed as well.
I am six feet and six inches tall and still afraid of heights.
Client Coordinator
(818) 206-2940
B.S. in Business Administration, Pepperdine University
I believe wealth means having the resources to care for what you love, whether you are able to financially provide for your family, save for a child’s future, volunteer at an organization, or protect yourself from unexpected crises. I do not believe riches are limited to money and assets. Wealth can also be defined by time, knowledge, status, health, and much more. I believe wealth is a powerful tool that can impact lives and when we approach it with humility and selflessness, we can change the world for the better.
My work at Morton motivates me to encourage others to become educated about personal finance so they can live more purposeful lives. As someone who came to Morton without any prior experience in the finance industry, I have improved my financial literacy because Morton has made learning and education a priority for all of their employees and clients. Now, I can better care for myself and loved ones financially while empowering other individuals to do the same. Morton inspires me to help myself and others protect and extend wealth for generations.
I love to travel. In my lifetime, I have traveled to four of the seven continents (North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa). I lived in Germany for a year while studying abroad at Pepperdine University and after college, I lived in China for a year teaching English at a Chinese university. I’ve also traveled to over 25 states in the U.S. and over 20 countries in the world.
Data & Reporting Analyst
(818) 222 4727
B.A. in English, UCLA
To me, wealth means meeting goals not inspired by how much I have, but by how much I love people. Wealth also means being surrounded by people who encourage, challenge, and inspire me and having the time to experience life together.
At Morton, I work with people who are not only excellent at what they do, but they also love to laugh and have a genuine care for each other. I know that I want to bring my best every time and to know that it makes an internal and external impact makes me proud.
I have a passion for vintage children’s books, Korean food, typography/fonts/proper kerning, the Dodgers, my church, and my wonderful family.
Private Investments Operations Specialist
(818) 206-2910
To me, wealth is about being happy. It’s watching my kids excel at school, football, and rugby. It’s listening to my husband sing and play the keyboard. It’s barbecuing at my mom’s with my sisters, brothers-in-law, nieces, and nephew. It’s a friendly (and very competitive!) cornhole tournament with all my in-laws. It’s going to hit golf balls at the range with my dad. It’s visiting my best friend in Nevada. When I can do these things, I feel wealthy because it is all I need to be happy.
It inspires me to know that our work enables clients to turn their financial dreams into a reality. It's an incredible feeling to finish work each day and know I made an impact. I am honored to be a part of an amazing, hardworking team of people who empower and support one another and whose goal is to do the same for our clients.
I served as an exchange student in Japan during the summer of 2000. The highlight of my trip was going to a Fukuoka Hawks game (the local professional baseball team). Their seventh-inning-stretch tradition is like nothing I've ever seen. Along with singing and chanting, all the fans blow up a balloon and release it into the air in unison, sending the balloons whistling and flying all over the stadium. It's so fun and very unique.
Private Investments Operations Administrator
(818) 206-2912
B.S. in finance, Oklahoma State University
Series 65
To me, wealth is the freedom to spend your life doing the things most important to you at the times you choose to do them. It’s having the time and ability to invest in deeper relationships, whether they be family, friends, or those in your community. Ultimately, it’s having an abundance out of which you can freely give to others.
I work with incredibly smart and humble people who, just by example, inspire me to become better every day. I know that by doing my work well, I’m helping our clients free up time and attention they can direct towards things they truly enjoy.
I worked as a private investigator for a little while and may have worn a ghillie suit once or twice while undercover.
Client Coordinator
(818) 206-2949
B.A. in integrated marketing communication, minor in art history, magna cum laude, Pepperdine University
MBA in progress
Wealth is knowledge, security, and opportunity to live life to the fullest. No matter the number in one’s account, fulfillment is derived from life experiences and surrounding ourselves with those who matter the most to us. When I reflect upon wealth in my life, my family and supportive community around me are the epitome of wealth. Their steadfast encouragement to pursue life’s challenges and opportunities provides me with an unwavering sense of security and fulfillment.
Helping maintain an organization where employee and client needs are met daily so that every individual enjoys their time at Morton is what fulfills me. Knowing my work is integral to fostering a welcoming and family-like environment makes me proud to work at Morton
I was recruited to play Division 1 golf and have been playing for almost 15 years now. Throughout my career, I’ve played over 100 different golf courses.
Wealth means being fulfilled. Having things in your life that make you happy. Family, friends, work, etc. Having fulfilling relationships definitely adds to the wealth of happiness and joy! I am definitely very ‘wealthy’ from the happiness of my family, my husband and my dog, and my friends!
Being part of a team with a lot of integrity, being in an industry of service, and knowing that Morton is very supportive of not only the client’s growth, but the employee as well.
I love karaoke and love singing in general. Ask me about the time when I was young when I sang with a chorus of other children on a rock song by a famous rock band. I’m also a licensed esthetician and I love all things makeup.
Client Operations Manager
(818) 206-2911
B.S. in business administration & finance, University of Portland
My definition of wealth means to me a great deal more than what the traditional definition stands for. “Wealth is of the heart and mind, not of the pocket,” is a quote that really helps redefine the word for me, but that is not to say having money and assets are not important. An abundance of money is just one part of wealth. My definition of true wealth includes having a great deal of love, kindness, and empathy that we can give to our relationships, loved ones, neighbors and even ourselves. True wealth includes the pursuits of personal growth, continuous learning, and doing what invigorates your soul. To live your life acting out of love and kindness, without a single second of hesitation to act in those ways, is what true wealth means to me. Everything else is just complementary.
For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to help people, but it was only recently I realized how I would accomplish that. I want to be able to educate and help bring generational wealth to all underserved communities. Morton is filled with extremely talented and passionate people that lead with their values and passions. Being a part of the Morton team invigorates me to continue pursuing the wealth management career path so that I may, one day, be a pillar of trust and confidence to those who are in need and want to learn.
Fun fact about you: In college, I was an amateur actor and model. I acted in a short film project that is used as a student sample for the Fine Arts through Film 300 level class, and modeled for my university's campus board, who oversees organizing and putting on school sponsored events.
Client Operations Administrator
(818) 222-6047
B.A. in history with a concentration in military history, Virginia Military Institute
MDiv with a concentration in chaplain ministry, Regent University’s School of Divinity
For me, wealth is the vehicle of fulfillment, not fulfillment itself. It isn’t the mere accumulation of money or financial assets. Instead, it’s the harvesting of elements, be they relationships, objects, experiences, or ideas, that bring us a personal satisfaction that transcends the material.
For me, it’s working with a common, shared purpose of helping others accomplish their goals. I have a love and a passion for learning, teaching and developing others. At Morton, I have the opportunity to not only grow myself through the work I do but also help develop others to either educate them about the opportunities at their fingertips or craft plans that help them achieve their desires and live out their own passions.
I was an equestrian athlete in college and rode horses competitively. My horse’s name was Dazzle, and he was my horse because I was the one he hated the least on my team. I miss that sarcastic horse.
To me, wealth is the ability to enjoy precious moments with the people who are important in our lives, give back to the community that you’re a part of, not just financially but also by contributing time.
I’m inspired when we’re able to assist our clients through the various milestones in their lives like buying a home or setting up 529/custodial accounts for a new addition to their family.
I was a forklift/tractor mechanic.
Client Operations Administrator
(818) 206-2947
B.S in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance, San Francisco State University
To me, wealth is about more than just financial resources, it’s about finding fulfillment, happiness, and a sense of personal well-being. Having both tangible and intangible resources that allow you to live a life aligned with your values and aspirations. I feel the most ‘wealthy’ at times were I am just laughing and sharing memorable moments with my closest family and friends (also my cat).
I'm inspired by the process of helping people achieve their financial goals, and to get the most out of their wealth. There's immense satisfaction in knowing that my work contributes to clients success and peace of mind. Being part of their journey motivates me to continue learning and striving for excellence every day!
A fun fact people may not know about me is that I co-own and operate a non-profit honey company with my father, we do everything from the bee keeping to harvesting the honey! We started it to help better the ecosystem by supporting our local bee populations and to educate the people around us.
Client Operations Administrator
(818) 577-1007
B.A. in Economics, UCSD
MBA, Stern School of Business, NYU
To me, wealth represents the freedom to live life on my terms, and the financial security to face the future with confidence. It’s the ability to create and share meaningful experiences with the people I cherish most, enriching both their lives and mine.
What inspires me most about my work is knowing that I play a part in helping people achieve their financial goals and alleviate the stress that often comes with money matters.
As a child, I worked as a background actor on TV shows and movies. A few examples include: Frasier, Casper the Friendly Ghost, and Matilda